BaseSoftRenderSurface Member List

This is the complete list of members for BaseSoftRenderSurface, including all inherited members.

BaseSoftRenderSurface(SDL_Surface *)BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
BaseSoftRenderSurface(int w, int h)BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
BaseSoftRenderSurface(int w, int h, int bpp, int rsft, int gsft, int bsft, int asft)BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
BaseSoftRenderSurface(int w, int h, uint8 *buf)BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
BeginPainting()BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
bits_per_pixelBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
Blit(Texture *, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h, sint32 dx, sint32 dy, bool alpha_blend=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
bytes_per_pixelBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
CheckClipped(const Pentagram::Rect &) const BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
clip_windowBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
CreateNativePalette(Pentagram::Palette *palette)BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
CreateSecondaryRenderSurface(uint32 width, uint32 height)RenderSurface [static]
DrawLine32(uint32 rgb, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 ex, sint32 ey)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
EndPainting()BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
FadedBlit(Texture *, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h, sint32 dx, sint32 dy, uint32 col32, bool alpha_blend=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
Fill32(uint32 rgb, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
Fill8(uint8 index, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
FillAlpha(uint8 alpha, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
flippedBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
formatRenderSurface [static]
format_typeBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
Gamma10toGamma22RenderSurface [static]
Gamma22toGamma10RenderSurface [static]
GenericLock()BaseSoftRenderSurface [inline, protected, virtual]
GenericUnlock()BaseSoftRenderSurface [inline, protected, virtual]
GetClippingRect(Pentagram::Rect &) const BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
GetOrigin(sint32 &x, sint32 &y) const BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
GetSurfaceAsTexture()BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
GetSurfaceDims(Pentagram::Rect &) const BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
heightBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
IsFlipped() const BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
lock_countBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
MaskedBlit(Texture *, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 w, sint32 h, sint32 dx, sint32 dy, uint32 col32, bool alpha_blend=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
oxBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
oyBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
Paint(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintHighlight(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, uint32 col32, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintHighlightInvis(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, uint32 col32, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintInvisible(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintMasked(Shape *s, uint32 framenum, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool trans=false, bool mirrored=false, uint32 col32=0, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintMirrored(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool trans=false, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintNoClip(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PaintTranslucent(Shape *s, uint32 frame, sint32 x, sint32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
pitchBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
pixelsBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
pixels00BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
PrintCharFixed(FixedWidthFont *, int character, int x, int y)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
PrintTextFixed(FixedWidthFont *, const char *text, int x, int y)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
rtt_texBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
ScalerBlit(Texture *, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 sw, sint32 sh, sint32 dx, sint32 dy, sint32 dw, sint32 dh, const Pentagram::Scaler *, bool clampedges=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
sdl_surfBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
SetClippingRect(const Pentagram::Rect &)BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
SetFlipped(bool flipped)BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
SetOrigin(sint32 x, sint32 y)BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
SetPixelsPointer()BaseSoftRenderSurface [inline, protected]
SetVideoMode(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 bpp, bool fullscreen, bool use_opengl)RenderSurface [static]
StretchBlit(Texture *, sint32 sx, sint32 sy, sint32 sw, sint32 sh, sint32 dx, sint32 dy, sint32 dw, sint32 dh, bool bilinear=false, bool clampedges=false)=0RenderSurface [pure virtual]
widthBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
zbufferBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
zbuffer00BaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
zpitchBaseSoftRenderSurface [protected]
~BaseSoftRenderSurface()BaseSoftRenderSurface [virtual]
~RenderSurface()RenderSurface [virtual]

Generated on Fri Jul 27 22:28:44 2007 for pentagram by  doxygen 1.4.7