
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 Copyright (C) 2003-2007 The Pentagram team
00004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00009 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012 GNU General Public License for more details.
00014 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00016 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
00017 */
00019 #ifndef U8INTRINSICS_H
00020 #define U8INTRINSICS_H
00022 #include "intrinsics.h"
00025 #include "Item.h"
00026 #include "UCMachine.h"
00027 #include "Container.h"
00028 #include "Actor.h"
00029 #include "MainActor.h"
00030 #include "Kernel.h"
00031 #include "CameraProcess.h"
00032 #include "GUIApp.h"
00033 #include "Egg.h"
00034 #include "MonsterEgg.h"
00035 #include "CurrentMap.h"
00036 #include "PaletteFaderProcess.h"
00037 #include "SpriteProcess.h"
00038 #include "MusicProcess.h"
00039 #include "ScrollGump.h"
00040 #include "BookGump.h"
00041 #include "ReadableGump.h"
00042 #include "TargetGump.h"
00043 #include "GrantPeaceProcess.h"
00044 #include "FireballProcess.h"
00045 #include "HealProcess.h"
00046 #include "InverterProcess.h"
00047 #include "AudioProcess.h"
00048 #include "Game.h"
00050 // Ultima 8 Intrinsics
00051 Intrinsic U8Intrinsics[] = {
00052         // 0x000
00053         TargetGump::I_target,
00054         0, //U
00055         Item::I_touch,
00056         Item::I_getX,
00057         Item::I_getY,
00058         Item::I_getZ,
00059         Item::I_getCX,
00060         Item::I_getCY,
00061         Item::I_getCZ,
00062         0, //U
00063         0, //U
00064         0, //U
00065         Item::I_getPoint,
00066         Item::I_getShape,
00067         Item::I_setShape,
00068         Item::I_getFrame,
00069         // 0x010
00070         Item::I_setFrame,
00071         Item::I_getQuality,
00072         Item::I_getUnkEggType,
00073         Item::I_getQuantity,
00074         0, //U
00075         Item::I_getContainer,
00076         Item::I_getRootContainer,
00077         0, //U
00078         0, //U
00079         Item::I_getQ,
00080         Item::I_setQ,
00081         Item::I_setQuality,
00082         0, //U
00083         Item::I_setQuantity,
00084         Item::I_getFamily,
00085         Item::I_getTypeFlag,
00086         // 0x020
00087         Item::I_getStatus,
00088         Item::I_orStatus,
00089         Item::I_andStatus,
00090         Item::I_getFootpadData,
00091         0, //U
00092         Item::I_overlaps,
00093         Item::I_overlapsXY,
00094         Item::I_isOn,
00095         0, //U
00096         0, //U
00097         0, //U
00098         Item::I_ascend,
00099         Item::I_getWeight,
00100         Item::I_getWeightIncludingContents,
00101         Item::I_getSurfaceWeight,
00102         0, //U
00103         // 0x030
00104         0, //U
00105         Item::I_legalCreateAtCoords,
00106         Item::I_create,
00107         Item::I_legalCreateAtPoint,
00108         Item::I_legalCreateInCont,
00109         Item::I_push,
00110         Item::I_popToCoords,
00111         Item::I_popToContainer,
00112         Item::I_pop,
00113         Item::I_popToEnd,
00114         Item::I_destroy,
00115         Container::I_removeContents,
00116         Container::I_destroyContents,
00117         Item::I_isExplosive,
00118         Item::I_move,
00119         0, //U
00120         // 0x040
00121         Item::I_legalMoveToPoint,
00122         Item::I_legalMoveToContainer,
00123         Actor::I_isNPC,
00124         0, //U
00125         Item::I_hurl,
00126         Item::I_shoot,
00127         Item::I_fall,
00128         Item::I_grab,
00129         0, //U
00130         Item::I_bark,
00131         Item::I_ask,
00132         Item::I_getSliderInput,
00133         Item::I_openGump,
00134         Item::I_closeGump,
00135         0, //U
00136         0, //U
00137         // 0x050
00138         Item::I_getMapArray,
00139         0, //U
00140         Item::I_setMapArray,
00141         Item::I_receiveHit,
00142         Item::I_explode,
00143         Item::I_canReach,
00144         Item::I_getRange,
00145         0, //U
00146         Item::I_getDirToCoords,
00147         Item::I_getDirFromCoords,
00148         Item::I_getDirToItem,
00149         Item::I_getDirFromItem,
00150         Item::I_look,
00151         Item::I_use,
00152         0, //U
00153         0, //U
00154         // 0x060
00155         0, //U
00156         Item::I_gotHit,
00157         0, //U
00158         0, //U
00159         0, //U
00160         0, //U
00161         0, //U
00162         Item::I_enterFastArea,
00163         0, //U
00164         0, //U
00165         0, //U
00166         0, //U
00167         0, //U
00168         Item::I_guardianBark,
00169         BookGump::I_readBook,
00170         ScrollGump::I_readScroll,
00171         // 0x070
00172         ReadableGump::I_readGrave,
00173         ReadableGump::I_readPlaque,
00174         Egg::I_getEggXRange,
00175         Egg::I_getEggYRange,
00176         Egg::I_setEggXRange,
00177         Egg::I_setEggYRange,
00178         Egg::I_getEggId,
00179         Egg::I_setEggId,
00180         0, //U
00181         MonsterEgg::I_monsterEggHatch,
00182         MonsterEgg::I_getMonId,
00183         0, //U
00184         0, //U
00185         0, //U
00186         0, //U
00187         0, //U
00188         // 0x080
00189         Actor::I_isBusy,
00190         Actor::I_areEnemiesNear,
00191         Actor::I_isInCombat,
00192         Actor::I_setInCombat,
00193         Actor::I_clrInCombat,
00194         Actor::I_setTarget,
00195         Actor::I_getTarget,
00196         Actor::I_setAlignment,
00197         Actor::I_getAlignment,
00198         Actor::I_setEnemyAlignment,
00199         Actor::I_getEnemyAlignment,
00200         Actor::I_isEnemy,
00201         Actor::I_isDead,
00202         Actor::I_setDead,
00203         Actor::I_clrDead,
00204         Actor::I_isImmortal,
00205         // 0x090
00206         Actor::I_setImmortal,
00207         Actor::I_clrImmortal,
00208         Actor::I_isWithstandDeath,
00209         Actor::I_setWithstandDeath,
00210         Actor::I_clrWithstandDeath,
00211         Actor::I_isFeignDeath,
00212         Actor::I_setFeignDeath,
00213         Actor::I_clrFeignDeath,
00214         0, //U
00215         0, //U
00216         0, //U
00217         0, //U
00218         Actor::I_getDir,
00219         Actor::I_getMap,
00220         Actor::I_teleport,
00221         Actor::I_doAnim,
00222         // 0x0A0
00223         Actor::I_getLastAnimSet,
00224         Actor::I_pathfindToPoint,
00225         Actor::I_pathfindToItem,
00226         Actor::I_getStr,
00227         Actor::I_getInt,
00228         Actor::I_getDex,
00229         Actor::I_getHp,
00230         Actor::I_getMana,
00231         Actor::I_setStr,
00232         Actor::I_setInt,
00233         Actor::I_setDex,
00234         Actor::I_setHp,
00235         Actor::I_setMana,
00236         Actor::I_createActor,
00237         Actor::I_cSetActivity,
00238         Actor::I_setAirWalkEnabled,
00239         // 0x0B0
00240         Actor::I_getAirWalkEnabled,
00241         Actor::I_schedule,
00242         Actor::I_getEquip,
00243         Actor::I_setEquip,
00244         GUIApp::I_closeItemGumps,
00245         CameraProcess::I_scrollTo,
00246         UCMachine::I_urandom,
00247         UCMachine::I_rndRange,
00248         GrantPeaceProcess::I_castGrantPeace,
00249         UCMachine::I_numToStr,
00250         0, //U
00251         MusicProcess::I_playMusic,
00252         UCMachine::I_getName, //temp
00253         Item::I_igniteChaos,
00254         CameraProcess::I_setCenterOn,
00255         CameraProcess::I_move_to,
00256         // 0x0C0
00257         0, //U
00258         0, //U
00259         0, //U
00260         0, //U
00261         0, //U
00262         0, //U
00263         CameraProcess::I_startQuake,
00264         CameraProcess::I_stopQuake,
00265         InverterProcess::I_invertScreen,
00266         0, //U
00267         Kernel::I_getNumProcesses,
00268         Kernel::I_resetRef,
00269         MainActor::I_teleportToEgg,
00270         Kernel::I_resetRef,
00271         0, // setRef
00272         GUIApp::I_getAvatarInStasis,
00273         // 0x0D0
00274         GUIApp::I_setAvatarInStasis,
00275         Item::I_getEtherealTop,
00276         GUIApp::I_getCurrentTimerTick,
00277         0, //U (canGetThere)
00278         CurrentMap::I_canExistAt,
00279         SpriteProcess::I_createSprite,
00280         SpriteProcess::I_createSprite,
00281         Item::I_getFamilyOfType,
00282         GUIApp::I_getTimeInGameHours,
00283         GUIApp::I_getTimeInMinutes,
00284         GUIApp::I_getTimeInSeconds,
00285         GUIApp::I_setTimeInGameHours,
00286         0, // U (SetTimeInMinutes)
00287         0, // U (SetTimeInSeconds)
00288         PaletteFaderProcess::I_fadeToBlack,
00289         PaletteFaderProcess::I_fadeFromBlack,
00290         // 0x0E0
00291         PaletteFaderProcess::I_fadeToPaletteTransform,
00292         PaletteFaderProcess::I_lightningBolt,
00293         PaletteFaderProcess::I_fadeToWhite,
00294         PaletteFaderProcess::I_fadeFromWhite,
00295         Game::I_playEndgame,
00296         HealProcess::I_feedAvatar,
00297         MainActor::I_accumulateStrength,
00298         MainActor::I_accumulateIntelligence,
00299         MainActor::I_accumulateDexterity,
00300         MainActor::I_clrAvatarInCombat,
00301         MainActor::I_setAvatarInCombat,
00302         MainActor::I_isAvatarInCombat,
00303         AudioProcess::I_playSFX,                // sint16
00304         AudioProcess::I_playSFX,                // sint16 uint8
00305         AudioProcess::I_playSFX,                // sint16 uint16 ObjID
00306         AudioProcess::I_playAmbientSFX, // sint16              Unused (but implemented)
00307         // 0x0F0
00308         AudioProcess::I_playAmbientSFX, // sint16 uint8        Unused (but implemented)
00309         AudioProcess::I_playAmbientSFX, // sint16 uint16 ObjID
00310         AudioProcess::I_isSFXPlaying,
00311         AudioProcess::I_setVolumeSFX,
00312         AudioProcess::I_stopSFX,                // sint16
00313         AudioProcess::I_stopSFX,                // sint16 ObjID
00314         0, //U
00315         0, //U
00316         MusicProcess::I_musicStop,
00317         0, //U
00318         0, //U
00319         FireballProcess::I_TonysBalls,
00320         UCMachine::I_true, // AvatarCanCheat
00321         GUIApp::I_makeAvatarACheater,
00322         UCMachine::I_true, // isGameRunning
00323         0, //U
00324         // 0x100
00325         0, //U
00326         0  //U
00327 };
00329 #endif

Generated on Fri Jul 27 22:27:48 2007 for pentagram by  doxygen 1.4.7